About Us

Marital breakdown is a time of enormous stress.

Children who are on the sidelines of the conflict can be confused, upset and angry at having their world turned up-side-down and often blame themselves for their parents’ breakup. Loving parents who see their children every day may now have to split their parenting time with their former partner. Couples who have worked very hard to accumulate assets must now find an equitable way of splitting them within the parameters of the law. Some may worry about their finances post-divorce.

These are difficult times. We understand. We’ve been helping couples through divorce/separation for over ten years.Many of our new clients are referrals from former clients. We’re proud of that.

Parent Mediation Canada facilitates a negotiated divorce settlement, without the expense and stress of fighting divorce issues in the courts

We provide parents or partners a confidential, neutral, safe and effective service to discuss and resolve family/divorce/property division issues without having decisions imposed on them by the courts.

Parent Mediation Canada will provide the most appropriate mediator(s) for your situation, including experts in Parenting Plans, Property Division, Child Support and Spousal Support.

We also have experts who can help you plan your financial life post-divorce or separation. Something that is often overlooked.

Reaching agreements through our experienced and accredited mediators costs a small fraction of going to court.

How We Can Help

Peaceful and Respectful Solutions
offering an opportunity to negotiate an agreement without going to court and damaging relationships.
Faster and Far Less Expensive
than going to court and dragging out the stress and impact from ongoing conflict.
Voluntary and Self Directed Negotiation
Mediation is an opportunity for parties involved in a conflict to communicate their point of view in a neutral, safe place.
Improved Communication
Unlike litigation, mediation leads to improved communications through hearing and understanding the other party’s point of view.
Your information will be held in the strictest confidence. Our policy is to work through closed meditations and will not be called to testify in Family Court.
Flexible Hours, Including Evenings and Saturdays
to accommodate working parents. We are located along the subway line for ease of access.
Experienced and Accredited Family Mediators
by the Ontario Association of Family Mediation (OAFM) and governed by a Code of Ethics
Best Interests of the Family
Reduces conflict and helps protect the innocent bystanders caught in the crossfire (i.e. children and grandparents).
Each Voice is Equal Regardless of Income
Our mediation process puts both parties on equal footing, regardless of individual incomes and ability to obtain representation.
For more information on how Parent Mediation Canada can help you, Connect us with today

Meet Trish

Trish Thomas, Executive Director, is an Accredited Family Mediator and Child Protection Mediator with the Ontario Association for Family Mediation, and a Qualified Mediator (Q.Med) with the ADR Institute.

In addition, she has been trained by Peacebuilders International, Family Group Decision Making and Community Mediation. Trish is also a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst (CFDA) allowing her to advise clients on financial matters pre and post-divorce. More recently, York University recognized Trish’s extensive experience and training and selected her to become a Mediation Coach for aspiring mediation students, adding her expertise to the overall body of knowledge She has successfully completed over 600 mediations. Trish created Parent Mediation Canada to address the growing need for divorcing couples and their families to explore alternative dispute resolution, before or instead of proceeding to court.

The primary objective is to reduce conflict, legal costs, court time and the harmful impact of ongoing conflict to families – especially children caught in the middle. Trish leads a group of experienced and certified mediators and legal professionals who empower separating or divorcing couples to negotiate a harmonious and workable agreement post-divorce.